Vespers, etc.
You are invited to Vespers, etc. on First Saturdays. Bring a friend! After chanted Vespers we’ll share some of our favorite foods in a potluck and enter into the rest and joy of Sunday with a bonfire and Eucharistic Adoration. Arrive 5:20 or 5:25, at the Priory, 7630 Shawnee Run. We most likely will join the Dominican friars for their Vespers and Rosary. However, if our group is too large for the Dominican friars to pray with us in the priory chapel, the location and timing of our Vespers may need to be shifted to the Main Church, starting about 15 minutes after the end of the 4:30pm Mass. The potluck/bonfire will be in the front yard of Donnie’s house, at about 6:15pm. The house is within a 5-minute walk from St. Gertrude’s. For those with the energy of little ones, there is plenty of …
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