
Jul 25 2023


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

NFP Awareness Week – Introduction to NFP


Hosted by the Center for the New Evangelization and Jenna Bernardo. Come learn more about Natural Family Planning with a virtual class taught by Registered Nurse/Certified Marquette Method Instructor, Jenna Bernardo. This free class will be a general NFP Course, not specific to The Marquette Method, though it would be a great start to learning The Marquette Method of NFP. Some of the topics covered during this 1-hour course includes: Male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology Types of Natural Family Planning methods Postpartum and peri-menopause stages of life Why NFP is good for you and your spouse (if applicable) This class is great information for single women interested in charting for health, engaged couples preparing for marriage (continued education needed to count for P…

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