Ignatian Theology on Tap – *CHANGE OF DATE!*
We are moving Ignatian Theology on Tap up one week so we can have one more day at Humble Monk Brewing Co. before they close their doors in Northside. Join us at 6:45 PM on Thursday, June 20, for a night on Ignatian Spirituality. Yes! Fr Joe Laramie SJ will be joining us along with three Jesuits in formation! The theme will be discernment stories and Ignatian Spirituality in daily life. Also, the owners of Humble Monk have found a new location!! Let’s celebrate this moment with them as well!
See More: https://mightynetworks.com/app/8/spaces/7535140/posts/57791327%3Futm_campaign=calendar_sync&utm_medium=calendar&utm_source=calendar_link