40 Days for Life
Beginning September 25th, people across the world will gather outside abortion facilities once again to lift their voices in prayer for those who enter, the workers who provide abortion services, and the innocent lives lost. Those who commit to these 40 days of prayer and fasting, do so peacefully in the hope that someday we will see a world where the killing of unborn children is unthinkable. As we stand on the precipice of a major election, after losing the Issue One campaign last year, it is more important than ever that we join this 40 days campaign and lend our witness to the Gospel of Life. Our goal is not only to shut down these clinics, but to change hearts and minds. St. Teresa of Avila said, “Christ has no hands but yours”. If we do not do this work, no one will. If you have n…
See More: https://mightynetworks.com/app/8/spaces/7535140/posts/68898774%3Futm_campaign=calendar_sync&utm_medium=calendar&utm_source=calendar_link