2nd Annual Greater Cincinnati Catholic Art Exhibition
Hosted by The Angelico Catholic Arts Guild. The Angelico Catholic Arts Guild is an outreach of the Angelico Project specifically to Artists. The Guild’s mission is to enrich the faith and work of artists; to nurture a taste for Goodness, a longing for Truth, and a love of Beauty; to deepen the artist’s relationship with the Creator; to build networks of artists in friendships, collaborations, and mentorships. The goal of this exhibition is to showcase excellent fine art works produced by artists in the greater Cincinnati Region that are a visual exploration of invisible realities e.g., love, hope, the Creator’s imagination, etc, and of the created world; artwork that moves the viewer to prayer. Submitted Artwork does not need to be of a religious nature but should evidence elements of G…
See More: https://mightynetworks.com/app/8/spaces/7535140/posts/42644492%3Futm_campaign=calendar_sync&utm_medium=calendar&utm_source=calendar_link